Kitesurfing, water and sunny, summer

Welcome to Mobil Kitesurf School, where the pasion for teaching combined by the best service will make a huge difference for costumers and that’s the priority and purpouse of this school.

The school name is a fusion of 3 words danish/english and the pourporse is to make it understablable for everyone, the meaning and difference of the school is that the school will move around the country chasing the wind and finding the best conditions for the lessons and new clients.

Mobilkitesurfschool comes to Copenhagen/Denmark to get and improve the skills of the next kitesurf students generation.

Mobilkitesurfschool is created in Denmark, By Nicolas who has been kitesurfing for more than 8 years, around many different spots in Denmark and the world. Nicolas is certified IKO instructor (International Kiteboarding Organisation), that’s means he has all the knowledge, experience and techniches necessary to give hight quality lessons to the students.

kitesurfing in the small lagoon around Copenhagen

“Experince the best sport in the world right now, right where you are…. No excuses you only need “wind and water”



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